Recovery and Treatment Journals

Jenny’s Journal July 2 1999



I received great news from Dianne today!

Today is Day 15 after the transplant. For the past two days, Jenny’s white blood cell counts have been at 600. Today they reached 1000! This is fantastic news!

Next Thursday is Day 21. At that time, they will perform the DNA testing to prove that the donor cells are doing their job. Jenny has not experienced any signs of rejection. She is only receiving anti-rejection and antibiotic medications. She needs no pain drugs and is no longer experiencing any nausea. She is off the feeding tubes and is eating “real food” — even pizza last night!

Jenny has shown a sudden interest in cooking and is keeping busy reading cookbooks and watching cooking shows. She jokes that her donor must be a chef!

Only 5% of the transplant patients progress as well as Jenny has. Because of this, Jenny is able to receive visitors now (with all the proper scrubbing and gown procedures). If you’d like to visit, please call her room at 612-273-0222.

For those working at the Federal Reserve, we will call Jenny and Dianne at the hospital today around 1:00 from the Fed ACH conference room. Please join us.

Thanks again to everyone for all the lovely cards and gifts for Jenny. The family continues to be strengthened by all your wonderful encouragement.
