Recovery and Treatment Journals

Jenny’s Journal July 8 1999



From: “Smith, Dianne” <>

Jenny’s white blood cells (WBC) and absolute neutrafil count (ANC) continued to climb since their first show on Day +9. Yesterday was Day +20 and her WBC was 1400 and her ANC was 1300; so we were discharged! Steve and I were happy, scared, delirious and apprehensive, but Jenny and Jason were ecstatic (we have to learn to trust their instincts).

Last Saturday we received 2 hours of training on IV care and changing the dressing over the Hickman catheter. It was very complicated and overwhelming. So we kept watching the RNs and then we did these procedures with the RNs watching us. When we got home yesterday and Home Health Care went over all of it again, we felt confident and capable. It’s amazing how quickly things change!

We left the hospital with a grocery bag full of medicine and a laundry basket full of dressings, masks, antiseptic soaps, etc. Jenny’s bathroom looks like a pharmacy. We worked late into the night to get it all organized.

Many of you are close family and friends, so I’ll share a special exchange that Jenny and I had last night: Jenny woke up hungry at 3:40 and after she ate the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had made for her, she smiled at me and said “I love our house. I love my bedroom. I love my family and I love my life”.

It’s still a long road ahead, but we’re sure we’re headed in the right direction.

Thanks for the many cards, calls, gifts, prayers, good wishes–it means so much to all of us.
