Recovery and Treatment Journals

Jenny’s Journal June 18 1999



Hello to everyone who has been following Jenny’s progress. I’m Valerie and I work with Dianne at the Federal Reserve. I just got off the phone with Dianne at the hospital and she asked that I send an e-mail with the latest news to you all. I’ll try to keep my facts straight as best I can.

The bone marrow was received at the hospital yesterday at 5:30PM. They performed a procedure to remove the T-cells (which could cause rejection). At 11:05PM they began an IV drip of the marrow and were completed by midnight. There were no signs of initial rejection and everyone is overjoyed! Jenny considers June 17, 1999 as her second birthday!

Jenny has been unable to eat since the she was admitted but is receiving nutrition via an IV. They’ve found a medication that is working for her to control the nausea.

Today is considered Day 1. From Day 7 to Day 21, Jenny will have the roughest time yet. During that period, the old and new cells in her body will be battling for control. On Day 21, they will draw her blood for DNA testing. These tests will indicate if the new marrow is doing its job.

The medical staff that are experienced with transplant patients say that Jenny is responding extremely well and they have high confidence that the procedure will be a success.

Jenny received an anonymous note from the donor (no name or other information is given at this time). He is a strongly religious person and has been praying for Jenny. He says he looking forward to being able to meet Jenny in two years and give her a great big hug! The Smith’s were very moved by his note. Jenny was able to send an anonymous note back to him as well.

Jenny, Dianne, Steve, and Jason asked me to express their thanks for the wonderful support and encouragement you have shown for Jenny and their entire family.
