Recovery and Treatment Journals

Jenny’s Journal June 28 1999



Dianne called from the hospital today and asked that I forward an update on Jenny’s progress.

Since the transplant eleven days ago, Jenny has had good days and bad days but nothing unexpected. Jenny is progressing very well, practically a “textbook case” according to the medical staff.

She’s been able to eat some solid foods now and even sent mom out for Cinnebons!

When Jenny was admitted, her white blood cell count was 7,600. A normal count for a person would be 10,000 -14,000. Jenny’s low count indicated that her disease had begun to take a serious toll on her system. After the chemo, her count was at zero. For the last three days, her count has been consistently near 100. This is considered very good.

Jenny will be allowed to leave her room and walk about the ward (wearing a mask) when she’s achieved a white cell count which is over 500 for 3 days in a row, has no fever, no infection, and a good appetite.

On day fourteen, they will be able determine if it is Jenny’s old cells or newly transplanted cells which are producing the white blood cells. Obviously, we want them to be those of the donor in order to produce the enzyme she was missing.

Since Jenny arrived at the hospital, two of the children on the ward have been able to go home. One child had been there for eighteen months. This is very encouraging to Jenny and the family.

Jenny’s room is decorated with lots of cards. The staff calls it “the happiest room on the ward!” She has a window and would love to fill it with sun-catchers. The love and support that everyone has shown has made an incredible difference in Jenny’s attitude and kept her spirits high.

Once again, the entire Smith family would like to thank you for your love, encouragement, and prayers. It means the world to them!
