Recovery and Treatment Journals

Jenny’s Journal November 6 1999



From: “Smith, Dianne”

So much has happened since my last update.

Jenny came home from the hospital on Wed., Sept 15 and by that Friday, she was feeling pretty good. The “good days” turned into “good weeks” — 5 good weeks altogether! It was wonderful to see her doing so well. She talked, wrote recipes, watched movies, walked around the house and went to clinic. It was such a special time for me to be with her and enjoy our relationship.

In addition to the increase in activity, we had also observed some neurological changes in Jenny in that 5 week timeframe. She has had 2 dreams (she’s never had/remembered a dream in her life before this) and she has had 2 headaches (in the past she has never had a headache, she has a very diminished ability to perceive pain ex. she didn’t need morphine for mouth sores after the chemotherapy in June.)

We did a few “normal” things during that time as well. We went to a movie, had some special friends visit + stay overnight and we ate out in a restaurant. It felt wonderful! Except for a few curious stares, they were all terrific experiences that helped boost Jenny’s morale to keep going.

Like all good things though, this came to an end on Monday, Nov. 1. Jenny was quiet on Sunday, after clinic. She watched ‘Titanic’ and dosed all afternoon and evening. On Monday, she didn’t feel well and she wouldn’t eat a thing or take her meds. Finally, by 8 p.m. she had a fever of 100.8. The on-call resident at Fairview University Medical Center (FUMC) told us to come into the hospital. She said to pack enough for at least a 3 day visit.

We’re still at FUMC today. Jenny’s fever is under control. She didn’t eat for 5 days and as usual, she slept most of the time. So far, all of the tests that have been done, have been negative. We don’t know what caused the fever. Fortunately, Jenny is starting to feel better, she ate 2 and a half pieces of pepperoni pizza yesterday (and she didn’t get sick!). She still slept alot yesterday and this entire morning. When she was awake, I could tell from her voice that she was feeling better. I just called Steve (he’s with her now) and he said she wanted him to put in the Backstreet Boys video — boy, did that sound terrific!

The doctors have still got her on antibiotics. They said that if she continues to get better (higher activity level, eats well and can take her meds orally again), we can expect to leave early next week.

Thanks to all of you for the many cards, calls, notes, prayers, e-mails, visits and words of encouragement. It means so much to all of us, especially Jenny. She reads her cards and letters over and over.

Until next time, we still need your prayers.

Love from the Smiths,
Steve, Dianne, Jenny and Jason
