Recovery and Treatment Journals

Robert’s Road to Recovery Journal April 10 2002

Robert’s Road to Recovery Journal

Presented by the International Society for Mannosidosis & Related Diseases.

Kathleen’s Diary: April 10, 2002


BMT + 8

Life is good when you still have a mother who can hug you and tell you that everything will be alright; when your cousin makes sure everyone in her children’s school is going through their toys to see if they can find a Burger King Will Smith; when the laundry people are still searching for the Burger King Will Smith; when your sister-in-law sends so many toys from that you are sure she is clairvoyant; when your previous neighbor in the BMT unit stops by just to keep us company, and when (drum role) you have the highest bid at Ebay on a set of Burger King Wild West Series Toys and the seller says he actually has two Will Smith’s he can send you but one doesn’t have a horse (we have about eight horses already).

How about that for good news?

The bad news is that Robert grows more uncomfortable each day. His throat is bothering him; his gums are so swollen we can’t see his teeth anymore, one ear is full of wax, his hair is falling out and makes him itchy, and we think he is in enough pain that he had to have five extra shots of pain medicine today. Robert did get out of bed and play with a new toy when Monaca, the physical therapist came by. He actually walked around the room with Monaca, Brian, our previous neighbor, and myself.

And everyone’s prayers are appreciated. Sometimes my first and last e-mail of the day are full of prayers and good wishes. On the whole life is good.
