Recovery and Treatment Journals

Robert’s Road to Recovery Journal April 25 2002

Robert’s Road to Recovery Journal

Presented by the International Society for Mannosidosis & Related Diseases.

Kathleen’s Diary: April 25, 2002


BMT + 22

Robert’s numbers looked good again today. Robert’s Bilirubin was slightly down and so was his GGT. He was very tired today probably because he ran a temperature much of last evening. Dr. Menzer said they are concerned about an infection (because of the high temperatures) and his heavy diarrhea. Robert is back on heavy doses of antibiotics to make sure he does not get or keep an infection.

Dr. Cowan came by to see Robert today and to drop off a Boston baseball cap he brought back with him from his last trip this week. He remembered how much Robert liked to wear a hat during the last bone marrow transplant.

Robert seemed to improve this afternoon and everyone (including G’ma ) thought he looked better today. He even started to watch “Angels in the Infield” and asked me after the dance scene was completed, to “Play it again”. For those of you who remembered the last bone marrow transplant, you will remember that when we were here, he would watch the one scene over and over again.

Robert did spike a fever of about 39 after feeling nauseous. His respiration shot up to 60, his heart rate went over 200 and his blood pressure was 170/98. It was pretty scary until he quieted down.

