Recovery and Treatment Journals

Robert’s Road to Recovery Journal August 7 2001

Robert’s Road to Recovery Journal

Presented by the International Society for Mannosidosis & Related Diseases.

Kathleen’s Diary: August 7, 2001


Robert BMT + 19

As you know from yesterday’s update, Robert has started to produce white blood cells. His counts today are up again to 0.3 (300). The doctors are very pleased; the slow increase in white cell count is normal; if it was going up too fast, it could indicate an infection or graft-vs.-host disease (GVH). Once his white blood cell count (WBC) is above 1.0 (1000), they will do an engraftment study to see if the cells that are growing are the donor’s or Roberts. They do this test by looking at genetic markers in the cell DNA – I don’t know yet which markers. We may know as early as Friday if Robert’s counts are high enough, otherwise they’ll wait until Monday because the lab doesn’t work weekends.

Since his donor was unrelated and not a perfect match, there is a good chance there will be some GVH. This is when the implanted white blood cells begin to react to Robert’s cells because they don’t match the implant. Hopefully, this reaction will be mild; getting past GVH is the next major milestone.

Robert continues to be happy and in good health, so we have had a relatively easy time of it so far. I’m sure all your thoughts and prayers are working.

Thank you, Mark
