Recovery and Treatment Journals

Robert’s Road to Recovery meds

Robert’s Road to Recovery

Medical Notes: July 10-16, 2001

July 10, 2001
Medical update for Robert BMT-9

Today Robert had the following:

  • Busulfan four times today-Chemo medication
  • Zofran-anti-nausia
  • Acyclovir-antiviral
  • IV Meds
  • Phenytoin-seizure protection
  • Septra-lung infection protection
  • Sucralfate-bowel decontaminant, coats GI tract
  • Fluoride
  • sodium bicarbonate-for the inside of his mouth

July 11, 2001

Same drugs today except Robert did have milk of magnesia to help him have a bowel movement (it worked)

July 12, 2001 BMT-7

Same drugs today

July 13, 2001 BMT-6

Same drugs as yesterday

July 14, 2001 BMT-5

Robert’s medication changed today. No more Busulfane. He started Fludarabin today.

July 15, 2001 BMT-4

Robert is still getting Fludarabin today. He also is getting R-ATG, Benadryl, and Dexamethasone.

July 16, 2001 BMT-3

Same medications as yesterday. Tylenol is being added to bring down Robert’s fever.