Recovery and Treatment Journals

Robert’s Road to Recovery meds & action plan

Robert’s Road to Recovery

Meds Administered & Action Plan – July 9

July 9, 2001
Medical Update BMT-10

Robert received the following today: Heparin HD Acyclovir Dilanten(anti-seizure medicine to combat the effect of Busulfan) Septra Fluoride IVIG

Robert cannot have any fever reducing medication including Tylenol while he is on Busulfan. Robert is AB+ and his donor is 0+. This maybe important to know for potentially needed blood transfusions later.

Robert cahrt 1

plan of action:

Robert chart2

  • The nurses in BMT are some of the best in the world. They explain everything, no matter how minute the detail.
  • Cut all nails, try and clear up any cuts that have occurred before entering BMT and get all splinters out of hands or feet. Any open cut or chance to scratch is an opening waiting for infection.
  • Don’t do any tests before you have to. Since most tests must occur within 30 days of the BMT if you do them right away and the donor falls through you will likely have to repeat them.