Recovery and Treatment Journals

Robert’s Road to Recovery surgeries

Robert’s Road to Recovery

A List of Robert’s Surgeries pre-BMT

Listed below are all the surgeries Robert has been through since birth:

  • March 14, 1997: Tubes
  • April 5, 1997: Fundoplication, Pyloroplasty and Gastroscopy
  • September 25, 1997: Cranialectamy
  • December 10, 1997: Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
  • February 23, 1998: Tubes
  • March 24, 1998: First Back Surgery
  • April 14, 1998: Second Back Surgery
  • April 19, 1998: Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy, Central Venous Cather, Body Cast Change
  • September 21, 1998: pH Test
  • November 9, 1998: Laryngoscopy, Bronchoscopy, Bilateral Tymanotony and Tubes
  • June 3, 1999: Bilateral Strabismus Correction and Trigger Finger
  • August 25, 2000: CT of Spine and MRI of Spine
  • March 7, 2001: Temporary tubes, left baby finger-trigger, left thumb and CT of lungs
  • June 5, 2001: Two teeth filled and back teeth capped to protect them from grinding
  • July 3, 2001: Line placement for BMT
  • July 19, 2001: Repositioned line
  • August 16, 2001: MRI of head and back
  • August 24, 2001: Bone Marrow biopsy
  • November 6, 2001: Bone Marrow biopsy
  • November 15, 2001: New line placement